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The NZNF bi-monthly supplement


Once upon a time a Sea Horse gathered up his seven pieces of eight and cantered out to find his fortune. Before he had travelled very far he met an eel, who said, "Psst. Hey bud. Where 'ya goin'?"

"I'm going out to find my fortune," replied the Sea Horse proudly.

You're in luck," said the Eel. "For four pieces of eight you can have this speedy flipper, and then you'll be able to get there a lot faster."

"Gee, that's swell, said the Sea Horse, and paid the money and put on the flipper and slithered off at twice the speed. Soon he came upon a sponge, who said, "Psst. Hey bud. Where 'ya goin'?"

"I'm going out to find my fortune," replied the Sea Horse.

"You're in luck," said the Sponge. "For a small fee I will let you have this jet propelled scooter so that you will be able to travel a lot faster."

So the Sea Horse bought the scooter with his remaining money and went zooming through the sea five times as fast. Soon he came upon a shark, who said, "Psst. Hey bud. Where 'ya goin'?"

"I'm going out to find my fortune," replied the Sea Horse.

"You're in luck. If you take the short cut," said the Shark, pointing to his mouth, "you'll save yourself a lot of time."

"Gee, thanks," said the Sea Horse and zoomed off into the interior of the Shark, and was never heard from again.

The moral of this fable is that if you' re not sure where you're going, you're liable to end up someplace else. And with your clubs AGN' s just about past and a new committee appointed it's opportune to ask yourselves which way have you decided to go as a club and how will you get there?


by Adrienne Caldwell


Do you fancy your self with a sleek new body, and lots of energy?

Weight training is very satisfying, and need not be expensive. With a little ingenuity and a minimum of equipment, you can set yourself up at home to gain the benefits of the training programme.

Apart from my collection of weights, costing about $100, I use a length of dowel, an off cut of timber and an elastic stretching device. The only piece of equipment I could not rig up in my bedroom was a chin-up bar, but the passionfruit frame out in the garden was ideal after I had taken off the netting.

I borrowed books on weight-training from the library and started with a pair of 1kg dumbbells and 2kg ankle weights, adding others as I progressed. By holding two together and using the ankle weights on my wrists, I can make 12kg on each side which seems to be my limit.

I arranged the lifts into three different groups, for Monday, Wednesday and Friday, so each lift is done once a week . On the other days I do yoga. Warming up first is essential.
I do ten minutes jogging, then bending and stretching exercises. The whole routine takes less that an hour.

The way you do the lifts is important, slowly and with full control, not jerking or swinging the weight. Each lift is repeated ten times, changing to a bigger dumbbell when you can do twelve repetitions. If you cannot do eight repetitions, the weights are too heavy. The idea is to train hard, and train briefly.

I enjoy my weight-training. It does not give me big muscles, it gives me a nice shape and makes me feel good.


"I find it absolutely shocking to think there are grown women in there walking around without their credit cards!"



Judging by the Palmerston North newsletter, things are starting to pick up momentum. Teepees and Totem Poles are being organised, confirmation of entertainment, and all sorts of other activities are on the move". Sounds good doesn't it. And the work they are doing or their grounds, we won't recognise the place. They also want as many plastic shopping bags as they can get. Now I what they want them for?


Canterbury held a midwinter swim and fundraising exercise for Telethon. Nine members took the plunge and would you believe they did a repeat performance when promised an extra $36 in sponsorship. Well done.

Relaxation - motivation



"Two extremes, wouldn't you agree?" says Kay Low.

One of the facts that became clearly evident over the course of the NZNF Seminar in Christchurch, was that the very act of removing one's clothes upon arriving at the grounds, created a state of mind known as relaxation.

Yet it was argued that even though you have a relaxed state of mind, you still be motivated!

If you are successful in achieving a weekend of total relaxation, then something must have motivated you to achieve that goal in the first place.

It is my persona1 belief that if you want to achieve permanent, sustaining success, you must acquire vast reserves of inner strength, determination and desire.

Let's use the word "success" in the broad sense, as being accomplishment of what was aimed at. You must have the ability to motivate yourself to accomplishment.

Personal development begins with personal courage, enthusiasm, know-how, confidence and belief. Each of us is, in fact, the end result of what we think.

In order to reach our goals, whether they be short range, long range, intangible or tangible, all we need to do is follow a system. I have outlined only very briefly what that simple system is.

Crystallise your thinking!

Set out in black and white what you want to do. See it in you mind's eye.

Develop a plan for achieving your goal and a deadline for its attainment. A description of the obstacles that will need to be overcome and how you can utilise your own talents.

Develop a desire for the things you want in life. A burning desire is the greatest motivator of every action. Determine the difference between "wish" and "desire".

Develop confidence in yourself and in your abilities. Every time you say to yourself "I can do it and I will do it", you are strengthening your determination and of course your self-image.

Develop the determination to follow through. Form the new habits which will enable you to reach your goals.

As you can see, the answers lie in your head.

If you plant weeds in a cornfield... you just get weeds.



In-Touch, edited by Roy Cox is published bi-monthly by the New Zealand Nudist Federation P.O. Box 1359 Wellington. All correspondence to this address.

Auckland Sun have applied to the NZ lotteries Commission for a grant towards fencing the pool. Chances are they may get two dollars for every one dollar raised by the club. Has any other club applied for an NZLC grant?

Shrimp cocktails, stuffed roast beef and creme brioche for dinner organised by the adults followed the next day by a "tummy filling bonanza breakfast" by the young members of AOHC proved a sure recipe to both extending the season keeping the club members together. Aren't we getting more selective with our cuisine?

The summer is now officially for 6 months at the Hawkes Bay club. They plan to maintain the pool from Labour Weekend until end of March. Good news. Their club is also now mature enough to warrant a redevelopment officer on the committee. Do we have areas or buildings which need redeveloping at clubs? Food for thought.

Palmerston North have officially applied for exemption or various grounds for fencing their pool area. The County Council declined their application. The club has appealed. NYC members at the club are very active thanks to Dave who has produced two newsletters, one for the very young members and one for the older members.

Northern Sun Seekers have adopted a small but sincere recognition of their younger members. Like some other clubs they will print their names in the monthly newsletter wishing those younger members A HAPPY BIRTHDAY.

Doug Cousins, son of one of the founder members of the movement as we know it today was a guest of honour to a special memorial dinner dance at the Wellington club. Doug was welcomed into the hall by 95 guests from as far away as Auckland, Nelson and Christchurch told "Doug Cousins - This is your life". During the evening Doug unveiled the PERCY COUSINS MEMORIAL CABINET. It was both a moving evening and a challenge. Have you ever done a this is your life where the person is deaf but knew every word which was spoken? It was also a challenge keeping the big event a secret. Doug has just retired on his 60th birthday.

"Nudists carry on push to open beaches" and "Takapuna nude beach move fails" were two headlines appearing in the Auckland press recently. We have to admire the Free Beach Group for their determination and persistence in trying to get some beaches legalised to allow nudity on certain beaches. Keep up the good work.

If you are planning a trip to Australia this summer why not go at Christmas and attend ANF Convention (Rally) to be held at the Tindo Club in the Barossa Valley near Adelaide. For more details, write to Secretary Wilma, Recreations SA, Box 92, Adelaide, SA, Australia. Tindo certainly know how to entertain.

Likewise, if you are planning to go to Australia between now and the end of October and want to visit Expo and can't afford the $100 plus per night accommodation at a hotel then write to Bernard and Louk Mentink at Sun Leisure Recreations, P.O. Box 101, Woodridge, Queensland 4114. In comparison you will be very surprised at what they can offer. We know, our family will be staying at Sun Leisure next month. The club is also well positioned, i.e. half way between the Gold Coast and Brisbane. And the cost... approximately $100 family for a week. There are real benefits of belonging to the Nudist movement.

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