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Fred Bear

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Dear friends,

I'll give you the bad news first: Charles was not able to book Ngatuhoa Lodge for next Anniversary Weekend! And the good news? He has booked the camp for this coming Easter.


Friday 20th - Monday 23rd April: $5.00 Meet at 2 p.m.


Saturday 2lst-Monday23rdApril: $3.00 Meet at 10.45 a.m.



Please let Charles Saggers know in plenty of time if you wish to go, as he has to order milk. His address is 218 Papamoa Beach Road, M.D. 7, Te Puke, Telephone 57-497 Tauranga.


In view of the above mini-disaster, the Committee would be glad to hear from any farmers among you who could make available a spot of ground and a wool shed or similar shelter, a stream and a few trees, to be used as a venue for a summer get-together.


And for those members who are interested in un-New Zealand climates and fancy a trip to M'ba, refer to the March issue of the Naturist. Or you could phone "Natours" for an itinerary and prices: 861—959 or 865-639.


If you are staying at home over the winter you will be interested to know that Pat and Tony Davis will again be giving their time to make possible the Third-Saturday evenings at Swimerama. These evenings are excellent value: the sparkling tepid swimming baths and two hot saunas make a trip to Lagoon Drive Panmure, an absolute must for the third Saturday of every month, starting in May. (Forward-thinkers could note that in October it will be the second Saturday, 13th, as the third will coincide with Labour Week-end.)

* Mark it 
              6.30-8 p.m. Adults $2.00 Children 50c.         * on your 
* calendar
*   now!


Due to the lack of a viable alternative, the Committee have decided to again hold our winter social at the Waiwera Hot Pools. Many of you will recall that conditions last year were not totally satisfactory, but the management are confident that such a situation will not be repeated, so the Sapphire Pool has been tentatively booked for 25 August. This does not preclude anyone who has a better idea putting it forward for consideration.



Paddy Leggett has received a letter from a person in Spain requesting correspondents;

Riera Revira
C/- Clave
13 Granollers

Riera is a married man interested in Naturism (naturally!), photography, philately and skiing. The F.B.G. was mentioned to him by a photographer for Health and Efficiency - and that, of course, is how grapevines work.


The F.B.G. is also alive and well (sleeping, but well) in Cambridge. Thank you for your letter, M. I hope you will be in Auckland at some convenient time, so you can go to -


Ricardo's Hot Pools, Parakai: last Friday of each month;


Clive Green Sauna: Sunday evenings, 5-9 p.m.


Swimerama: Third Saturday of each month, beginning May.


We have available 'Bare With Us' bumper stickers at 40c each, plus postage. These are produced by the N.Z. Nudist Federation.


And now some good news to finish with: Peter Wood-Peirce, our Treasurer, who has been in hospital for some weeks, is now home again. Our very best wishes to you both, Joy and Peter.


The same, of course, to all our members and friends.



The new Members' Directory is in the pipe-line, but please don't expect it next week - we are are working people!

Contacts:     Paddy Leggett 535—5569     Lois Kennedy 450—037

Tom Lewis 403—9018


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